
As parents you are vital partners in the work we do. We know you will work with us to make a successful collaboration between you, your child and us in the years to come. It is believed that when parents and school work together, children flourish.

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RANK #1 Best Education Infrastructure

Presidency School (ICSE BOARD) | Presidency Indo International School (IGCSE BOARD)

make your appointment to discuss Academic & Extra Curricular Jurney at Presidency.

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Appointment for Admission



Presidency Juniors
(Pre School)


Presidency School
(ICSE Board)


Presidency Indo Intl. School
(IGCSE Board)


Our core values

High Achievement for All


The school is dedicated to teaching students to be involved, active learners who work hard, think critically, creatively and communicate effectively. We emphasize high expectations for all students, and support them to reach their full potential in all aspects of achievement, especially in academics, arts, sports, social skills and civic participation, all of which prepare students for success in their lives after high school.

Excellence in Teaching


Passionate, knowledgeable, skilful teachers are the core strength of our school system. We expect our faculty staff to provide a dynamic and rewarding learning experience for all students. Excellent teaching begins with strong relationships between faculty and students and is nurtured by the understanding among colleagues. We are committed to supporting a professional community that creates and sustains an atmosphere of intellectual excitement, innovative instruction and personal growth.



As parents you are vital partners in the work we do. We know you will work with us to make a successful collaboration between you, your child and us in the years to come. It is believed that when parents and school work together, children flourish, acheive a great height in many field of endeavours.